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Why Water Filtration Is Required?
Water filtration needs since water has different harmful elements in it. Physical filtration removes the larger particle from the water. Chemical filtration removes the smaller impurities in the water. -
Mineral Water vs Spring Water. Difference?
Spring water comes from nature to the surface of the earth at an identified location. Mineral water also comes from underground water sources but it is different from spring water because it contains a level of mineral. -
Can Baby Drink Aqua Kunhar Mineral Water?
Yes, of course babies can drink Aqua Kunhar Mineral water. We supply water that is safe for everyone.
Does Mineral Water Contains Chlorine ?
Mineral water which comes from nature does not contain any type of chlorine. But if the water comes from tap or any other source these water may contain the chlorine. -
Aqua Kunhar Water Source?
At Aqua Kunhar we extract water from deep wells and then treat it in our 7 step water filtration plant to remove all kind of impurities from water to make it healthy for everyone. -
I’ve Bought Water But It doesn't seams Mineral water. Why?
In local market it happens for lot of reasons but usually the reason behind this is no treatment or poor treatment of water before packing it. But at Aqua Kunhar we treat deep well extracted water in our 7 step water filtration plant we don't claim it verbally but doing it practically. Our valued customers can visit our plant to verify our claim.